Friday, May 1, 2009

Harbor Seals of History

The Captain's Inn has quite a historical past; shipping company office, farm family residence, church, student housing, and now a bed and breakfast. A story we had heard several times is that a harbor seal used to live here in the buidling. The story always included that the seal used the staricase to reach the family tub upstairs. Well, we finally have proof that the Captain's Inn was home to a local harbor seal who did indeed enjoy the tub! The York family, who founded the Harbor Chapel in Moss Landing and used our building for a church, recently shared this 1959 photograph from their personal scrapbook. "Scottie" is the mom and pastor's wife. The Harbor Chapel is now just a short distance from here. The harbor seal tub was where our chart room is now. (Sorry, there are no real seals for today's guest tubs).

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