Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seafarers Collection

Some wives have husbands that have too many ball caps or can't pass up a tool for the shed. The Captain's wife has a husband who is always bringing home boat parts. It started with little things like a teak tiller or a tiny brass prop. Soon entire boats would appear in the yard overnight like daffodil flowers. Captain's wife took to painting those boats and planting them with flowers so the yard would look nice. Guests know we are famous for the boat decor in the bed rooms and anchors in the yard, but they do not realize how easy it was for this wife to get the decorating items. Today the Captain surprized even his wife, once again with something new. A forklift arrived in the backyard, during the B&B breakfast. I dashed out of the kitchen to find out what was up, and saw the forklift speeding away down the driveway. It had left behind a pallet covered with the largest, heaviest anchor chain you could imagine. The Captain has confessed that this was his doing. Now where are we going put or do with this anchor chain? It is so heavy, Captain's wife can not even pick up one link. Come and stay with us to share ideas and to find out the final resting place....

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